Indonesia Human Trafficking Investigation Expands on Run Zeng Vessel

June 6, 2024
Indonesia human trafficking


The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) in Indonesia has broadened its probe into the foreign fishing vessel Run Zeng, initially detained for illegal fishing, to include serious allegations of human trafficking. Information provided by the Indonesian crew led to suspicions, prompting the ministry to refer the case to the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim). The Maluku Regional Police are also investigating due to the illegal distribution of fuel linked to the vessel.

Source: ANTARA


The expanding scope of the Indonesia human trafficking investigation into the Run Zeng vessel sheds light on deep-rooted issues beyond illegal fishing. Crew testimonies have unveiled potential human trafficking and enslavement, marking a significant turn in the investigation. This revelation highlights the complexity of crimes intertwined with illegal fishing operations, where crew members have reported not receiving their promised wages, indicating severe exploitation.



iCognative™ technology can significantly enhance investigations into complex crimes like the Run Zeng case by detecting hidden knowledge and uncovering the full extent of illegal activities. In this context, iCognative could analyze brainwave responses of detained individuals, helping identify key players and their roles.

In the case of the Run Zeng, employing iCognative could expose the full scale of both illegal fishing and human trafficking operations, aiding in the protection of exploited crew members and enforcing maritime laws in Indonesia.

Source: Brainwave Science