An essential tool in the fight against crime and national security threats

With the increasing length of investigations and the constant evolution of national security challenges, new tools are needed to gain confidential information faster. Brainwave Science has developed a solution to address this need by pairing revolutionary neuroscience technology with interrogation processes for fast, efficient, and accurate investigation results.

iCognative headset

Gain confidential information faster

iCognative™ technology is an essential arsenal in National Security, Homeland Security, Intelligence, and Law Enforcement With the increasing length of investigations and the constant evolution of national security challenges, new tools are needed to gain confidential information faster. By combining neuroscience and interrogation, iCognative™ provides fast, accurate results in just 10 minutes, saving time and effort in uncovering confidential information.

More reliable than traditional methods

The iCognative™ test is applicable to a majority of crimes where a witness or suspect can be questioned. Unlike traditional methods that rely on unreliable testimony from people under interrogation, iCognative™ pulls the truth out through brainwave monitoring. This technology is a game-changer for law enforcement and security agents, providing them with the ability to pinpoint suspects who have been lying or deceitful. With iCognative™, investigators can quickly and accurately link suspects to their crimes, making it an essential tool in the fight against crime and national security threats.


Discover different applications of iCognative™

National Security

Law Enforcement

Homeland Security


Border Security
