Greece Drug Trafficking Gang Dismantled

May 24, 2024


Greek authorities have dismantled a Greece drug trafficking gang that was smuggling cocaine in shipping containers from Latin America to Europe, according to a police announcement on Thursday. The months-long investigation, conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), resulted in the arrest of two Albanians and two Greeks. Police found and confiscated over 210 kg of cocaine hidden in containers with shrimps at the port of Piraeus. Additional evidence, including more than 130,000 euros ($141,000), a shotgun, bullets, mobile phones, and documents related to drug amounts and profits, was seized from the suspects’ homes and vehicles. Authorities estimate the group aimed for an illegal profit of over 5 million euros. Greece served as both a transit point and destination for the drugs, which were being transported to European countries and Turkey.

Source: Reuters


This successful operation highlights the persistent and evolving threat of international drug trafficking. The collaboration between Greek authorities and the DEA underscores the importance of international cooperation in combating organized crime. The significant amount of cocaine seized, along with the substantial illegal profits, illustrates the scale and sophistication of the criminal group. This case also emphasizes Greece’s strategic position as a transit and destination point for drug shipments, necessitating vigilant and coordinated enforcement efforts.



iCognative™ technology provides a crucial advantage in tackling drug trafficking by detecting concealed knowledge through brainwave analysis. By presenting suspects with specific stimuli related to the investigation, iCognative measures their brain responses to determine a recognition. This method offers critical insights that enhance investigative efforts.

In operations like the dismantling of the drug trafficking gang in Greece, iCognative technology can provide essential insights into suspects’ knowledge and intentions. This enhances the effectiveness of international collaborations and strengthens efforts to combat organized crime.

Source: Brainwave Science