Ensure border safety and security

With the use of P300 science and iCognative™ technology, border security officials can quickly and accurately identify individuals with malicious intent and intercept potential threats. This helps to ensure the safety and security of our borders, while also allowing for the freedom of lawful entry and exit. In short, P300 science iCognative™ technology is a powerful tool in the arsenal of border security, making the border safer for everyone.

Brainwave Science

Use iCognative™ for a multi-layered approach to effectively protect against illegal trafficking and dangerous individuals

A powerful tool in the arsenal of border security

One of the most significant impacts of banking fraud is the financial loss it can cause for both the bank and its customers. Criminals can steal large sums of money, leaving victims with empty bank accounts and a significant amount of debt. Additionally, banking fraud can also cause significant reputational damage for financial institutions, which can lead to a loss of customer trust and business a proactive approach to combat. By utilizing advanced technology like iCognative™, financial institutions can better protect their customers’ interests, reduce their risk of fraud, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This will ultimately help to create a safer and more secure financial system for all.

One of the most significant impacts of banking fraud is the financial loss it can cause for both the bank and its customers. Criminals can steal large sums of money, leaving victims with empty bank accounts and a significant amount of debt. Additionally, banking fraud can also cause significant reputational damage for financial institutions, which can lead to a loss of customer trust and business a proactive approach to combat. By utilizing advanced technology like iCognative™, financial institutions can better protect their customers’ interests, reduce their risk of fraud, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This will ultimately help to create a safer and more secure financial system for all.

With iCognative™ you can:

  • speed up the process of identifying and interrogating suspicious individuals
  • search for narcotics and other contraband
  • detect Intellectual Property Rights violations
  • locate wanted criminals in disguise
  • reveal fraudulent documents
  • confirm or deny the intentions of travelers
iCognative headset